Forecasting software development projects

A knowledge-centric approach


The Forecasting tab is part of the main menu.

Below it is the search box for projects. You can search for your company's projects by long name. Search looks into your company's projects by long name, not project IDs (project name) and returns up to 10 results. Initially are listed the 10 company's projects most active in the last 30 days before the latest commit date for the company.

Also a new project can be created by clicking the "New project" button.

Report parameters that can be selected are:

  • Reporting interval - can be daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly.
  • KEDE frequency - could be daily or weekly.
  • Compare - Switch on/off comparability with the rest of the world.
  • Verbose - Switch on/off showing the individual data points.
  • Start and end dates of the report.

Analyzing Growth of Knowledge Discovered on a Project

Knowledge discovered is the cumulative sum of missing information (or questions, in our model) over a specific time period. It signifies the total amount of information contained in a set of messages, which is derived from the sum of the information in each individual message.

Below is a diagram of the growth of knowledge discovered in bits for a real project.

The x-axis represents the week dates, while the y-axis represents the knowledge discovered in bits of information. The line on the diagram represents the growth of knowledge discovered during the selected period.

This report is also available for Daily KEDE and for multiple projects. By running this report on multiple projects, you can compare the cumulative growth of knowledge discovered of different projects and identify patterns and trends that may affect the success of your projects.

We also need to normalize the data to allow for a more meaningful comparison across reference class projects with varying magnitudes of knowledge discovered. Comparing raw values in bits may be misleading, as differences in scale can distort the true relative performance between projects. To measure the normalized growth of knowledge discovered, we'll use the metric cumulative growth rate (CR) of knowledge discovered.

Analyzing Cumulative Growth Rate of Knowledge Discovered on a Project

The cumulative growth rate of knowledge discovered is an important metric to track the progress of a project. The line on the diagram represents the exponential cumulative growth rate for all developera for the selected period.

The x-axis represents the dates, while the y-axis represents the cumulative growth rate. We can see the total growth rate for the selected project and time period.

The exponential cumulative growth rate is a measure of the compound growth rate of knowledge discovered over time, which takes into account the compounding effect of growth. By analyzing the growth rate of a project over time, you can gain insight into the performance of your team and the progress of the project.

This report is also available for Daily KEDE and for multiple projects. By running this report on multiple projects, you can compare the cumulative growth rate of different projects and identify patterns and trends that may affect the success of your projects.

However, this method is subjective and may not capture all the nuances of similarity or dissimilarity, especially when comparing many curves. For a more quantitative assessment, you can use statistical distance metrics.

Clustering Projects by Cumulative Growth Rate of Knowledge Discovered

In order to implement Step 3 of Reference Class Forecasting (RCF), we need to compare the CRT time series for projects to see they belong to the same reference class.

To compare multiple Cumulative Return Time (CRT) curves in terms of their similarity, we use Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) to measure the similarity between them, considering their different time units.

The DTW distances between the curves are then used to perform hierarchical clustering, which groups the curves into clusters based on their similarity. Each cluster is then assigned a unique color, allowing users to easily identify which curves are closely related.

In the diagram below, we have six CRT project curves clustered into two clusters - blue and red, taking into account their different lengths in time units, and color the curves based on the clusters obtained from DTW distances.

The diagram is a line plot displaying all the project curves together. The x-axis represents the number of weeks, while the y-axis represents the cumulative growth rate (CR).

Here's what you'll find in the diagram:

  • Lines: Each line represents a project curve. The lines may have different lengths, reflecting the varying time units across the curves.
  • Colors: Each cluster of similar curves is plotted in a distinct color. This color-coding helps in identifying the clusters visually.
  • Legend: The legend at the bottom lists each project and indicates the cluster to which it belongs. This provides an easy reference to understand the grouping of the projects.

Usage in Analysis

This visualization can be particularly useful in understanding the growth dynamics of different projects and identifying patterns or anomalies. By clustering the curves based on their similarity, the diagram allows users to discern relationships and groupings among projects, aiding in comparative analysis and strategic decision-making.

The flexibility in handling curves of different lengths makes this approach applicable to diverse contexts, accommodating projects with different timelines.

Forecasting Project Completion Time

Forecasting inherently involves uncertainty, as it requires predictions about future events or trends. To manage this uncertainty effectively, KEDEHub utilizes a probabilistic forecasting approach, generating multiple scenarios to represent a range of potential outcomes.

The goal is to construct an array of possible future scenarios for a project, considering the uncertainty in exponential growth rates of knowledge discovery. Each scenario depicts a unique pathway in which the project's knowledge discovery could progress.

You can select the following parameters for forecasting:

  • Data for the reference project
    • Name of the reference project
    • Reporting interval (options include daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly).
    • Start date
    • End date
  • Data for the new project to be forecasted
    • Most likely project size in bits of information
    • Minimum project size in bits of information
    • Maximum project size in bits of information
    • Target project start date
    • Whether the new project is a continuation of the reference project

On the forecast graph, the thick blue line represents the cumulative growth rate of the knowledge expected to be discovered for the successful delivery of the project. The x-axis displays the timeline of the new forecasted project, and the y-axis shows the cumulative growth of the knowledge to be discovered

The green line represents the most likely completion date, the dashed red line indicates the earliest possible completion date, and the dashed blue line designates the latest possible completion date. This range of outcomes helps you prepare for different eventualities and plan your project more effectively.

The histogram of the completion dates is at the bottom of the diagram. Its purpose is to provide a visual representation of the likely completion dates and their probabilities, allowing you to assess the overall distribution of possible completion times.

When forecasting far into the future, the model extrapolates from the patterns it has learned from the historical data. If the future periods extend far beyond the scope of the historical data, the uncertainty around the forecasts can increase significantly. All models have limitations, especially when extrapolating far beyond the scope of the observed data that the model was trained on. This includes the range of the independent variables (such as time, in the case of a time-series forecast) and the dependent variable (the variable we're trying to predict).

If the target cumulative logarithmic growth rate (CR_target) is outside the range of behavior observed in the data, then the model might not be able to provide a reliable forecast for such a target. In such cases a message will be shown to the user.

Here are some strategies you might consider:

  1. Evaluate the Target: Make sure that the CR_target is reasonable and aligns with what is known about the domain or process being modeled. Is the target based on realistic assumptions or goals?
  2. Communicate the Limitations: If the target is unattainable based on historical data and the model's forecast, it's essential to communicate these limitations to stakeholders. Explain the discrepancy between the target and what the data and model indicate, and discuss the assumptions or uncertainties involved.
  3. Experiment with Different Scenarios: If CR_target is part of a planning or decision-making process, consider creating different scenarios that represent various assumptions or conditions. You can model these scenarios and evaluate how changes in certain variables or assumptions might lead to the desired growth rate.

Remember, a forecast is a tool for understanding potential future outcomes based on historical data and assumptions. If the target is far beyond the scope of the historical data, it might indicate a disconnect between the expectations and what the data and model can support. Understanding and communicating this disconnect, and working collaboratively with stakeholders to align expectations or adapt strategies, might be an essential part of the process.

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