Manage email preferences

You can add or change the primary email address associated with your KEDEHub account.

Adding an email address to your KEDEHub account

KEDEHub allows you to add as many email addresses to your account as you like. Your account is linked to one or more authors. Each of the authors has an email address. Hence your account has all thier email addresses. If you set a new email address in your local Git configuration, upon commit there will be a new author created. You will need to add it to your account in order to connect your commits to your account.

Changing your primary email address

You can change the email address associated with your user account at any time. Just pick one of the emails of your account to be the primary. KEDEHub will be sending all notification and the sign-in emails to your primary email address. Also the search on Global Software Developer Happiness page is based on the users' primary email addresses.

Changing the visiblity of the primary email address

You can change the visiblity of the email address associated with your user account at any time.

Remembering your KEDEHub user ID or email

Are you signing in to KEDEHub for the first time in a while? If so, welcome back! You will receive an email with a Sign-in link in it - keep the message!

Types of emails KEDEHub sends

There are several types of emails you can receive from KEDEHub, including sign-in messages, notifications, account information, customer research invitations, and marketing communications.

Getting started