Claiming an author

If you are the author of work or personal contributions you can add the Git author to your user account.

How to

Tip: We recommend using only one user account for all of your personal and professional contributions.

  1. Go to the Global Software Developer Happiness page.
  2. Enter a valid email address which you have access to and you used when you committed code.
  3. If KEDEHub has an author with that email address then their name will be shown and you will be able to follow the next steps.
  4. Click the button "Claim this developer". There will be a message showing that this author is now claimed by you.
  5. Check your email. You should have received an email from If needed check your spam folder - the email may have been sent to spam by mistake.
  6. If you want to take control over this author and create a new KEDEHub user then click the link to sign up to Kedehub.
    1. You'll be transferred to a new page.
    2. Click the button "Sign Me up for KEDEHub". Upon clicking it you will see a confirmation message.
    3. Check your email. You should have received a confirmation email from If needed check your spam folder - the email may have been sent to spam by mistake.
    4. Save the confirmation email because it contains a link to your KEDEHub profile.
    5. Click the link to see your KEDEHub profile.
  7. If you want to assign this author to an existing KEDEHub user then click the link to do so.
    1. You'll be transferred to a new page.
    2. Enter the iD of the existing KEDEHub user. Make sure this is your ID. Click the link to go to your profile.
    3. Click the button "Sign Me up for KEDEHub". Upon clicking it you will see a confirmation message.

Tip: If you lose the confirmation email you can always find your profile by going to the Global Software Developer Happiness page and entering the primary email address associated with your KEDEHub user.

Getting started