Harvest your organization's social and knowledge networks
To make your organization a high capability and consequently high productivity place
On a small project everybody is a jack-of-all-trades. Engineers write code, manage the build system, test the product, and deploy it. Everybody knows everything and the need to communicate is minimized. As the project grows, it becomes increasingly difficult to add new engineers, because the learning curve starts to get steep. Onboarding a new engineer up to speed starts to become more difficult than doing the work yourself. At this point, you need to start to specialize.
By dedicating people or teams to tasks such as building, testing and operations, you will create specialized rather than common knowledge.
Design and implement a communication architecture
In order to manage knowledge sharing and creation, you will need to consider designing and implementing the communication architecture for your organization.
Perhaps the most important operational lever on capability is designing and implementing the communication architecture for your organization. The architecture consists of the organizational structure and the process that works on it. If a well-designed communication architecture is absent then information will stop flowing, and your organization will degenerate into a low capability and consequently low productivity place.
All organizational designs are suboptimal. With any design, you will optimize communication between some parts of the organization at the expense of other parts. For example, if you put product management in the engineering organization, you will optimize communication between product managers and engineers at the expense of communication between product managers and marketing. As a result some people will question and challenge it and they will be right. At a company level there is a need to decide whether to organize the entire company around functions (for example, sales, marketing, product management, engineering) or around products and services thus creating independent business units that contain multiple functions.
If you want people to communicate (exchange information), the best way to accomplish that is to make them report to the same manager and have a common organizational goal. The further away people are in the organizational chart, the less they will communicate.
The organizational design is also the architecture for how the company communicates with the outside world. For example, you might want to organize your sales force by product or service to maximize communication with the relevant product groups and maximize the product competency of the sales force. If you do that, then you will do so at the expense of simplicity for customers who buy multiple products or services and will now have to deal with multiple salespeople. Simplicity always means less questions asked and less perplexity for the humans involved.
Here are the basic steps to organizational design:
- Figure out what needs to be communicated. Listing the most important knowledge and who needs to have it. For example, knowledge of the product architecture must be understood by engineering, QA, product management, marketing, and sales.
- Figure out what needs to be decided. Consider the types of decisions that must be made on a frequent basis like new features selection, architectural decisions and how to resolve support issues. How can you put the maximum number of decisions under the domain of a single manager?
- Prioritize the most important communication and decision paths. Is it more important for product managers to understand the product architecture or the market? Is it more important for engineers to understand the customer or the product architecture? Keep in mind that if the situation changes, then you can reorganize. Picking the communication paths to optimize is the same as identifying the ones that you will not. Just because you deprioritized them doesn't mean they are not important.
- Optimize the organization for the people doing the work — not for the managers. For that you should not prioritize the ambitions of the people at the top of the organization ahead of the communication paths for the people at the bottom of the organization.
Define processes of knowledge discovery
In an organizational context, communication is critical. As an organization grows, communication becomes its biggest challenge. If there are five people in your organization, you don't need a defined process, because they can just talk to each other. With more people, communication becomes more difficult. Ad hoc, point-to-point communication no longer works. You need something more robust — a process.
A process is a formally structured communication mechanism. Processes govern the meetings, instant messengers, email, and even one-on-one meetings between managers and employees. The span of the process should meet the communication challenge that it facilitates. When communication in an organization spans across organizational boundaries, processes will help ensure that the information exchange happens and that it happens with quality.
The process should be designed by the people who are already doing the work in an ad hoc manner. They know what needs to be communicated and to whom. Initially they could formalize the existing process and make it scalable. Formalize what you are doing to make it easy to onboard new people.
Understand the Shadow Organization
"In any human interaction, the required amount of communication is inversely proportional to the level of trust.." ~Ben Horowitz[1]
Every organization has a social structure that does not resemble its formal structure. You see its shadow as groups of employees that hang out during lunch breaks, or even after work. Shadow organizations are networks of people that know, trust, and help each other. This shadow organization is built bottom up by employees and is very different from the top down hierarchical org chart set by the management.
Social networks perform the work of the functional organization, because they are less bureaucratic. There employees trade ideas, give direction, offer help, and spread knowledge. All these social structures hold the key to unleashing untapped human potential in the form of increased productivity.
Among other things, social networks help with retaining talent. Integrating and retaining your key people in the informal social structures of your organization is crucial for speeding up the integration of newcomers and reducing employee turnover. If you can nurture these social network structures, you can make people stay longer and thereby extend the period your employees add value to your company[6].
A growing research considers workplace organization or organizational design to account for differences in companies' performance and productivity[8]. Trust operates at the micro level where it governs interactions between people. Trust is widely recognized for its role as a social lubricant, fostering mutually beneficial exchange and thereby sustaining higher levels of specialization[9].
Studies show that trust has a positive effect on the level of autonomy granted to employees. Autonomy for workers is associated with various advantages for companies, deriving from the division of labor and specialization. Work autonomy is the condition or quality of being self-governing or free from excessive external control. Work autonomy only pays off if this autonomy is accompanied by a certain amount of trust. In contrast, if trust is absent, costs due to shirking are likely to outweigh the benefits of having expert workers that can leverage tacit skills and uncodified knowledge[9].
Without trust, communication is slow. If you trust someone you would not ask them questions. There is no need for explanations of their actions. There is no need to have a meeting to discuss.
On the other hand if you don't trust someone then there will be a lot of questioning. A huge amount of talking, explaining, or reasoning will take place. If the people fundamentally trust one another, then communication will be vastly more efficient than if they don't.
You can find employees who have disproportionate levels of influence relative to their hierarchical position. To do this you can run a survey with three questions[2]:
- Who energizes you at work? (nominate 4 or more people)
- Who do you go to when a decision needs to be made? (nominate 4 or more people)
There is an interesting network pattern known as a "clique" or tightly connected group where everyone becomes influential due to their mutual connections. Let me explain with a simple example:
Let's say we have Group X with 5 people (A, B, C, D, E) where:
- Everyone in Group X has selected each other as influencers
- Many people outside the group have selected A as an influencer
The influence calculation using descendants would show:
- A would have the highest influence score
- B, C, D, E would have the same influence score
This creates what we might call "artificial influence" - where members of the clique appear highly influential not because of their direct connections to the broader network, but because of their connection to A who is the actual bridge to the broader network.
The Knowledge Network
Every organization has at least two networks that matter for innovation: a social network of people, and a knowledge network of knowledge elements. In a social network, a “node” is a person and a “tie” refers to a relationship between two persons. In a knowledge network, a “node” is a knowledge element and a “tie” is a combination of two knowledge elements.
A knowledge element is a socially defined category, containing a set of tentative conclusions that the community of a scientific or technological field holds about facts, theories, methods, and procedures surrounding a subject matter[5]. Knowledge elements are often embodied in discrete artifacts such as patents, products, user manuals, technical documentation or scientific publications[4].
While the knowledge network and the social network may be decoupled in the sense that they have unique structural features, they are not independent from each other[3].
Knowledge can be acquired from two types of sources of information[10]:
- Personal Sources: Those that communicate information personally including insights, experiences, and skills of team members. When people collaborate, they share and combine their knowledge, skills, and experiences, leading to a more effective problem-solving process and achievement of shared goals. In this sense, collaboration amplifies individual contributions by creating a collective intelligence that exceeds the sum of its parts.
- Impersonal Sources: These are non-human sources that communicate information to broad audiences, including books, research papers, digital databases, API documentation, StackOverflow responses, coding libraries, and online audio and video. This type of information is vital as it provides a broader, often more objective viewpoint, and can provide data and insights that may not be available within the collaborating group.
In a well-functioning collaborative environment, both personal and impersonal sources of information are considered and used to acquire knowledge, solve problems, and make informed decisions. It's important to note that when we measure the efficiency of information acquisition, we are considering both these categories of sources. This means we account for all channels through which new information can be gained, thereby providing a comprehensive view of the organization's level of efficiency of information acquisition.
To work with these seemingly invisible networks and their barriers you need to grasp how they look. One useful tool to diagnose this is Social Network Analysis (SNA). You can find employees who have disproportionate levels of influence relative to their hierarchical position. To do this you can run a survey with the question:
- Who do you go to for help and advice when solving complex tasks,? (nominate 4 or more people)
After that you count who has the most nominations. Those are the top influencers in your organization.
Key Experts Group
The key expects group consists of individual contributors that are trusted and well-liked by peers.
The Key Experts would be:
- Knowledge providers, advisors or experts who are central to solving complex tasks and are relied upon heavily.
- The "go-to problem solvers" in the organization
- People who are either directly consulted by many others, or who are consulted by people who themselves are consulted by others
- The informal technical/knowledge leaders, regardless of their official position
The "reach" metric in this context means:
- How many employees either directly or indirectly rely on these people's expertise
- For example, if A → B → C, then C's knowledge directly influences B's work indirectly influences A's work. The total reach of C would be 2.
Business Implications:
- These employees are critical knowledge hubs
- They might be potential bottlenecks if too many people depend on them
- They could be great candidates for Leading mentorship programs, Knowledge sharing initiatives and Training programs.
- Their departure would represent a significant knowledge loss risk
Potential Action Items:
- Ensure these key employees aren't overloaded with consultation requests
- Document their knowledge and problem-solving approaches
- Consider developing backup expertise to reduce organizational risk
- Possibly adjust their roles to formally recognize their importance as knowledge leaders
Super Seekers
If you reverse the directed graph for the question "Write at least two colleagues you turn to when solving complex tasks", the interpretation changes significantly.
The Super-Seekers would be:
- Employees who are not necessarily experts themselves but are highly effective at utilizing the organization's knowledge network.
- People who have built strong networks of advisors, both direct and indirect
- Employees who can reach (have access to) the most diverse knowledge sources through their network
The "reach" metric in this context would mean:
- How many different sources of knowledge/expertise these employees can access
- Their potential to gather diverse perspectives and solutions
- Their ability to navigate the organization's knowledge network
- The first-degree reach now represents the direct knowledge sources of these employees (those they consult for advice). This shows the immediate network of advisors they have built. A large first-degree reach suggests they actively seek knowledge from many direct sources.
- The second-degree reach consists of indirect sources of knowledge, accessed via their immediate advisors. A large second-degree reach indicates their ability to tap into broader organizational knowledge through intermediaries. They talk to people who talk to people.
- The total number of knowledge sources (direct and indirect) accessible to the core group.
Business Implications:
- These employees are likely excellent project coordinators, knowledge aggregators, cross-functional collaborators and potential future leaders (due to their ability to leverage networks).
- They might be good at complex problem solving (by knowing who to ask), building coalitions or managing interdepartmental projects.
Organizational Leverage:
- These super-seekers can be leveraged as knowledge facilitators in key projects or initiatives.
- They are likely highly connected, well-informed individuals driving collaboration and coordination.
- hese individuals should be engaged in Knowledge management efforts to enhance collaboration and problem-solving.
Key Influencer Group
The key influencers are selected based on reaching the largest possible share of the network with the fewest number of employees. This means that once the marginal increase in reach for every added influencer stagnates i.e. when no remaining nodes met the minimum coverage threshold (5% of network size), no more employees will be included in the group of key influencers.
Unleash the untapped potential of the social and knowledge networks
Harvesting the potential of your organization's social and knowledge networks takes leadership and discipline. Many leaders have the skills, but very few of them show the discipline.
If want to unleash the untapped potential of the social and knowledge networks of your organization, start with the following four steps:
- Understand the shadow structures of your organization, so you know the cliques, tribes, communities, siloes, and key individuals.
- Set your targets for how much you want to improve. You can measure progress by increased knowledge discovery efficiency. Define exactly how and when to measure progress, and set the benchmark KEDE value, so you can communicate it. Establish who is responsible for meeting the target condition.
- improve connections in the Social Structures. Find out who should be connected to who across organizational tribes, cliques, and communities, both in small groups and on a one on one basis. Give them a common task, time, and the necessary resources, so they can build mutual trust, and awareness of each other's competencies. For new employees, use mentoring and reverse mentoring[7].
- Track your progress. For that you should use its knowledge discovery efficiency measured using KEDEHub.
KEDEHub can be used to measure the knowledge discovery efficiency. If KEDE increases then the knowledge network works better. Since the knowledge network is coupled with the social network we can be sure that if the knowledge network works better so does the social network.
Most Influential Employees and Cliques
Should we exclude the people from a clique when analyzing the most influential employees? This is a nuanced decision that depends on the goals for identifying influencers.
Arguments for excluding clique members include:
- The influence of clique members may be artificially inflated
- Having multiple people from the same clique might be redundant since they reach similar people
- You could potentially get broader network coverage by selecting influencers from different parts of the network
Arguments for keeping them could be:
- If these clique members also have significant connections outside the clique, they might be genuinely influential
- The clique itself might be an important hub in your network
- Having multiple trusted connections saying the same thing could strengthen influence in that part of the network
When selecting the top 20 most influential employees we take a hybrid: approach:
- We prepare an initial list of the most influential employees
- If there are more than one employee in the list of most influential employees we keep the employee with highest out-degree connections to employees outside the clique. This way we prioritizes employees based on their external influence (connections outside their clique)
- We replace the other clique members with the next highest influencers from different parts of the network
Works Cited
1. Horowitz, B. (2014). The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers. HarperBus.
2. Ward H. (2017, The Shadow Organizational Chart—Carta https://carta.com/sg/blog/the-shadow-organizational-chart/
3. Brennecke, J., & Rank, O. (2017). The firm's knowledge network and the transfer of advice among corporate inventors—A multilevel network study. Research Policy, 46(4), 768-783. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.respol.2017.02.002
4. Phelps, C., Heidl, R., Wadhwa, A., (2012). Knowledge, networks, and knowledgenetworks: a review and research agenda . J. Manage. 38, 1115-1166.
5. Wang, C., Rodan, S., Fruin, M., & Xu, X. (2014). Knowledge Networks, Collaboration Networks, and Exploratory Innovation. Academy of Management Journal, 57(2), 484–514. https://doi.org/10.5465/amj.2011.0917
6. Ignoring the social structures of your organization comes at a price. (2019, November 5). Future for Work institute. https://www.futureforwork.com/ignoring-the-social-structures-of-your-organization-comes-at-a-price/
7. Why Reverse Mentoring Works and How to Do It Right. (2019, October 3). Harvard Business Review. https://hbr.org/2019/10/why-reverse-mentoring-works-and-how-to-do-it-right
8. Bloom, N., Lemos, R., Sadun, R., Scur, D., & van Reenen, J. (2014). The New Empirical Economics of Management [CEP Occasional Paper]. Centre for Economic Performance, LSE. https://econpapers.repec.org/paper/cepcepops/41.htm
9. van Hoorn, A. (2017). Social trust, workplace organization, and the comparative advantage of nations. Oxford Economic Papers, 69(4), 897–917. https://doi.org/10.1093/oep/gpw072
10. Choo, C. (1994). Perception and use of information sources by chief executives in environmental scanning, Library & Information Science Research, Volume 16, Issue 1
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